We Do More Than Just Talk
COVID-19 Updates
Have you been feeling concerned about bringing your child in for therapy? We completely understand that it is an extremely difficult decision to make. Here are some thoughts that may help you.
1. Please remember that you have no obligation to bring your child to therapy during these times. It is OK to say no to therapy if you are feeling unsafe or uncomfortable!
2. If you have stopped coming, but want to come back, we still have a spot for you! The day and time may have to change, but we are doing our best to accommodate everyone.
3. If your child is currently on caseload and you choose not to come in, we may get to a point that discharge is necessary. In that case, we would contact you before discharging and discuss options to continue. If your child is discharged due to pandemic crisis, you will have priority on the wait list to return.
4. If you think your child would be a good candidate for teletherapy, talk to your therapist. Insurance companies are mostly not covering at this time, but there is always an option to self-pay. Talk to your therapist about rates.
5. Please see our previous updates for all that we are doing to keep our Wolfe Families who are choosing to come for therapy safe. And thank you for cooperating with all of our requests!
Today, we are feeling a little less cheery due to the news that our fellow Virginians are falling ill at an alarming rate. We hope you and your loved ones are well!
If you are comfortable coming in for therapy, we are still here operating as an essential business.
At this time, we request that all family members remain in the vehicle during therapy sessions.
Your therapist will pick up and drop off your child at the car. If you have specific concerns about this policy, please contact your child's therapist.
If you, your child, or any member of your immediate family are experiencing symptoms of illness, particularly fever, cough, or shortness of breath, we ask you to keep your child home. If you suspect that your child or yourself have been exposed to someone with these symptoms, please remain at home.
We are open this week. Please read all important notices posted last week.
Our Virginia Governor waived all Medicaid co-pays: effective 3/13/2020. This means if your child has Virginia Medicaid, you will not have a copay for your child's therapy after 3/13/2020. Some patients still have balances prior to 3/13/2020 . Please ask your therapist if you have questions.
During this period of social distancing, if you are comfortable bringing your child in for their regular scheduled appointments, we are here! Some children are also candidates for teletherapy. If you are interested in this option for your child, please contact your therapist!
We have implemented some new policies to keep your child safe and healthy in our facility during their scheduled appointments:
1. Mandatory washing of hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. This will be done with their therapist prior to starting each session.
2. Option for caregivers to wait in the car, your therapist will retrieve your child and deliver them back to your vehicle.
3. Limiting therapy materials to those that can easily be disinfected with a wipe or run through the dishwasher.
4. Disinfecting waiting room and therapy rooms throughout the day.
5. Requiring any child, family member, or clinician to stay home if they have any symptoms of illness.
6. Asking that families use their discretion in the waiting room, if there are ten or more people in the waiting room, please consider waiting in our therapy room hallway chairs or in your car.
Please contact your therapist with any specific questions or concerns! Thank you all and stay healthy!!